CodyCross Answers – Solve Every Crossword Group Puzzle

All CodyCross answers are available on this page. Find all the words you need to answer the questions. CodyCross has many difficult levels but we have the answers to all the questions to solve the puzzles in this game.

Below you will find all the available categories for the game. Just look for the puzzle where your question is. Then you will see the solution for this puzzle. Enter the answer in the game and have fun!

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CodyCross Answers : Planet earth group 5 puzzle 4

Answer 1Effect that can be observed in sirens or radar: doppler
Answer 2Non-flying bird with enormous eggs: ostrich
Answer 3Land controlled by the lord of the manor: demesne
Answer 4Black by-product of petroleum used for paving: asphalt
Answer 5Latin country home of largest salt fields: bolivia
Answer 6A flying disc that can be used in competitions: frisbee
Answer 7“the body” later became minnesota’s governor: ventura
Answer 8Type of hero inspired by a romantic poet: byronic
Answer 9Honored saint on irish feast of green apparel: patrick
Answer 10Rock singer who played with the stooges: iggy pop

CodyCross Answer Groups

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